Friday, 13 February 2015

Shoot + Exhibition Plans + Crit presentation

I have organised another 2 shoots,
Another one of the women in underwear idea and 1 men for another dimension to the project.

We also had a group crit where I got to talk about my idea and get some feedback from tutors and peers.

The crib went perfectly for my idea, it started off with a short explanation then everyone started commenting on wether they think it is objectification, everyone in the group had different ideas and it created a big debate. This is exactly what my work was meant to do and it has worked already.

Some feedback I got is to rethink about how to get peoples opinions noted down as they thought the book idea wasn't the best way to do it. I got some ideas thrown about and the best ones we decided on were a form type thing and a box for people to put their opinions in, another one was some sort of interactive thing on maybe a laptop or iPad.

Another bit of feedback I had was with the idea of displaying the images with writing of some sort.
The group thought its was a good idea to display model release forms etc.. to prove that the whole experience was fine with the models and I did not objectify the women during the shoot, which is a big thing these days after all the press on Terry Richardson.

Has feminism gone too far?

Ok so the definition of feminism is  "a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common stated aim: to define, establish, and defend equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment."

With this in mind the word that stands out is 'equal' 

But my question is are feminists actually fighting to be equal or are they wanting to be superior !?

The first thing that got me was when I visited the guardian website there is a whole section for women. 

I argue is this really necessary to have different sections for the different genders 

There is sections for news, sport, entertainment etc then there is this section including feminist views and arguments. Yes I agree everybody is entitled to an opinion and articles like this should be around for people to read if they want to but let me put it like this, if there was a category for black people showing stories where they feel they have been displayed as inferior or people have been racist etc, would that be allowed in a paper? No it wouldn't because issues like that are in the news so why do stories on women have to be different to the new!? 

This is where my argument comes into effect, if it was an equal society then it would be all in one category. Is it going too far and are the extreme feminists out there trying to create a superior segregation to the world we live in?