Monday, 3 November 2014


What is the definition of objectification ?

'Objectification - To present as an object.'

So in relation to a person it is treating them as a thing without regarding there dignity.

According to the philosopher Martha Nussbaum, a person is objectified if they are treated:
  • as a tool for another's purposes (instrumentality); 
  • as if lacking in agency or self-determination (denial of autonomy, inertness); 
  • as if owned by another (ownership); 
  • as if interchangeable (fungibility); 
  • as if permissible to damage or destroy (violability); 
  • as if there is no need for concern for their feelings and experiences (denial of subjectivity).

Then there is sexual objectification which is the main point of my project, this is treating/making a person as an object of sexual pleasure or a 'sex object'

Sexual objectification is a huge subject within the media and life in general, it causes controversy and different opinions. It is also a very important argument in feminism. 

My aim is to explore ideas from every angle and display what my views are and find out what other views are. 

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