Thursday, 11 December 2014

Transformative task.

For my transformative task I decided to photograph a barbie doll in a similar style to my digital shots I had taken before.
I used the doll in various model like positions and poses. I chose to do this because it fits in well with one of the arguments bought up in this area which is how the use of women in the media effects youth.
This is immediately obvious in the Barbie that it is a very particular type of woman. Barbie is basically sold as 'the perfect woman' shoved down little girls throats and  they idolise and aspire to become just like their favourite doll.
Long legs, long blonde hair, big breasts and perfect makeup.
I feel this advert shows this perfectly, the young girl looking up to the doll in admeration as if wanting to be her.
However this is just one opinion another side of the argument could be it is just a doll and people should know the difference between real life and what is just a toy. This I feel is a very similar argument to wether violent games make children violent.

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