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Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Now I have my final idea I wanted to come up with a name to call the project.
- After dark
- Noir
- Sensuality
- Noir Soir
- Virtue
- X
I decided to use the name 'After dark' as it sort of reflects the subject matter and I think it has a certain ring to it, I also like the name 'Noir' but I felt it was too common and has been used a lot.
- After dark
- Noir
- Sensuality
- Noir Soir
- Virtue
- X
I decided to use the name 'After dark' as it sort of reflects the subject matter and I think it has a certain ring to it, I also like the name 'Noir' but I felt it was too common and has been used a lot.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Exhibition idea.
I have thought about having text alongside my images so it creates the viewer to think.
The questions I came up with in my last post is a start, these are just open ended questions that with my images I will try answer or even just have the questions with no answer and exhibit these to coincide with the images so rather than just a collection of images it will create the viewer to think about it. If the questions are unanswered then it will create different people to form different ideas and opinions.
Maybe could have a book or something for people to express their own opinions.
The questions I came up with in my last post is a start, these are just open ended questions that with my images I will try answer or even just have the questions with no answer and exhibit these to coincide with the images so rather than just a collection of images it will create the viewer to think about it. If the questions are unanswered then it will create different people to form different ideas and opinions.
Maybe could have a book or something for people to express their own opinions.
A deeper and wider exploration.
I have come up with several questions and things to look in to that I will research and answer or explain throughout this project.
- Are images in the media objectifying women?
- Does it affect youth?
- Are sexualised images promoting rape culture?
- Is it putting pressure on women to be like these models?
- Does it make men have curtain expectation of women?
- Do sexualised images put pressure on young people to have sex?
- How does it differ from pornographic images?
These are just a few questions I have come up with so far and will try and answer these in my own opinion educated by other opinions.
First shoot and change of direction.
Saturday I did my first soot for the project in London. I got models and a makeup artist for the shoot and took along a friend to assist and help out.
While doing this shoot I decided I need to change my idea for this project, although I like the 7 deadly sins idea I feel i will not be able to create a project that I will be pleased with at the moment, I would need more time, more money and more resources at my disposal.
I have decided to change my direction, I am going to explore how women are represented in the media and how it affects people through this media exposure.
While doing this shoot I decided I need to change my idea for this project, although I like the 7 deadly sins idea I feel i will not be able to create a project that I will be pleased with at the moment, I would need more time, more money and more resources at my disposal.
I have decided to change my direction, I am going to explore how women are represented in the media and how it affects people through this media exposure.
Friday, 17 October 2014
A stumbling block.
I am going to do a photoshoot in London tomorrow and had originally planned to use money in my shoot.
The shoot was going to represent either lust or greed based around a relationship between money and sex.
I went into looking wether I could use bank notes in a photoshoot.
I got on to the Bank of England website and found that you have to apply to reproduce them and have them to use as a prop.
The shoot was going to represent either lust or greed based around a relationship between money and sex.
I went into looking wether I could use bank notes in a photoshoot.
I got on to the Bank of England website and found that you have to apply to reproduce them and have them to use as a prop.
I completed this form to apply to use them thinking I went through it all ok but then here where the stumbling block appeared!!
I had to tick off all 4 conditions, firstly the sizing may make the notes look stupid in the photo and also condition 3 because of the use of that money and sex relationship it may be considered offensive or inappropriate.
I am going to have to explain the project and see if it is approved.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Idea feedback!
Just a summery of what was written and discussed about my proposed idea in my first group crit about the project.
- Look into shooting objects to represent the sins.
- They will link so need to strongly differentiate the images in the series.
- They could work as an editorial series or stand out on there own.
- Quite a controversial subject, look into the ethics of promoting highly sexualised images.
- Use a cast of models so images are not all to similar.
- Images with a cinematic feel maybe?
- need to find the right balance to not be obvious and directly illustrate the subject too much.
- Look at 032C magazine .. Mario Sorrenti - Candy.
- Dont be too literal.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Devine Comedy.
Devine comedy is a poem written by Dante Alighieri it is widely considered as the greatest work of Italian and even world literature.
The poem literally tells of Dante's travel through hell, purgatory and heaven but the underlaying meaning is the souls journey to god.
The poem is spilt into
The 7 deadly sins come from Purgatorio, directly translated as purgatory.
This is a place inbetween heaven and hell of suffering where souls will be cleansed of sin before going to heaven.
The poem literally tells of Dante's travel through hell, purgatory and heaven but the underlaying meaning is the souls journey to god.
The poem is spilt into
- Inferno (hell)
- Purgatorio (Inbetween)
- Paradiso (heaven)
The 7 deadly sins come from Purgatorio, directly translated as purgatory.
This is a place inbetween heaven and hell of suffering where souls will be cleansed of sin before going to heaven.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
7 deadly sins a history.
A bit of history
The sins originate for the 4th century written by a man Evagtius who listed the 8 evil thoughts in Greek.
- Γαστριμαργία (gastrimargia) gluttony
- Πορνεία (porneia) prostitution, fornication
- Φιλαργυρία (philargyria) avarice
- Ὑπερηφανία (hyperēphania) hubris – in the Philokalia, this term is rendered as self-esteem
- Λύπη (lypē) sadness – in the Philokalia, this term is rendered as envy, sadness at another's good fortune
- Ὀργή (orgē) wrath
- Κενοδοξία (kenodoxia) boasting
- Ἀκηδία (akēdia) acedia – in the Philokalia, this term is rendered as dejection
In AD 590, a little over two centuries after Evagrius wrote his list, Pope Gregory I revised this list to form the more common Seven Deadly Sins, by folding(sorrow/despair/despondency) into acedia, vainglory into pride, and adding envy.
- luxuria (lechery/lust)
- gula (gluttony)
- avaritia (avarice/greed)
- acedia (sloth/discouragement)
- ira (wrath)
- invidia (envy)
- superbia (pride)
(info from Wikipedia)
First ideas.
My first idea to explore is going to be the 7 deadly sins.
If you don't know about or even at least heard of the seven deadly sins, where have you been?
But if you really haven't I will explain it for you.
There is a clue in the name, they are 'sins' and there are 7 of them.
The seven deadly sins also known as the cardinal sins are a list of things that from early Christian times that educate and explain what humanity's major sins are.
The seven sins are;
If you don't know about or even at least heard of the seven deadly sins, where have you been?
But if you really haven't I will explain it for you.
There is a clue in the name, they are 'sins' and there are 7 of them.
The seven deadly sins also known as the cardinal sins are a list of things that from early Christian times that educate and explain what humanity's major sins are.
The seven sins are;
- Wrath
- Greed
- Sloth
- Pride
- Lust
- Envy
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