Friday, 17 October 2014

A stumbling block.

I am going to do a photoshoot in London tomorrow and had originally planned to use money in my shoot.
The shoot was going to represent either lust or greed based around a relationship between money and sex.
I went into looking wether I could use bank notes in a photoshoot.
I got on to the Bank of England website and found that you have to apply to reproduce them and have them to use as a prop.

I completed this form to apply to use them thinking I went through it all ok but then here where the stumbling block appeared!! 

I had to tick off all 4 conditions, firstly the sizing may make the notes look stupid in the photo and also condition 3 because of the use of that money and sex relationship it may be considered offensive or inappropriate. 

I am going to have to explain the project and see if it is approved.

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