A bit of history
The sins originate for the 4th century written by a man Evagtius who listed the 8 evil thoughts in Greek.
- Γαστριμαργία (gastrimargia) gluttony
- Πορνεία (porneia) prostitution, fornication
- Φιλαργυρία (philargyria) avarice
- Ὑπερηφανία (hyperēphania) hubris – in the Philokalia, this term is rendered as self-esteem
- Λύπη (lypē) sadness – in the Philokalia, this term is rendered as envy, sadness at another's good fortune
- Ὀργή (orgē) wrath
- Κενοδοξία (kenodoxia) boasting
- Ἀκηδία (akēdia) acedia – in the Philokalia, this term is rendered as dejection
In AD 590, a little over two centuries after Evagrius wrote his list, Pope Gregory I revised this list to form the more common Seven Deadly Sins, by folding(sorrow/despair/despondency) into acedia, vainglory into pride, and adding envy.
- luxuria (lechery/lust)
- gula (gluttony)
- avaritia (avarice/greed)
- acedia (sloth/discouragement)
- ira (wrath)
- invidia (envy)
- superbia (pride)
(info from Wikipedia)
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