Thursday, 19 March 2015

Artists statement.

I thought i would have a look at the statement generators online first for a bit of a laugh.

This is one I got generated and its actually quite funny because some of it makes sense for this project.

I decided even though this is funny and sounds really pretentious it is at the end of the day I think it would be best to create an artist statement that isn't just complete bull s**t.

This is my statement. 

Alex Poirier is mainly working in photography but also known to produce moving image.
Fashion and documentary being his main influences and focus in the photographic field, work is neither one thing or another. Although using different techniques to produce his work (whether it be in camera, in post production or lighting setups) there is definitely a clear style and is recognisable. 
Often the work includes real life disputes/worriment and breaks conventions making slightly more controversial work. 
Everyday life, common points of argument and avoided/overlooked areas of living are his main influences to create his work, he has visited areas  such as; objectification of women, depression, life of a big city, bodybuilding and sadomasochism.
Because of the fact he works with real life issues or areas un-talked about lot of his work doesn't have a definitive answer and is often shown without a clear objective this makes it down to the audience to form their own opinions. 
Alex has a huge passion for the art of photography and continues to produce work whether it be a series, one off images or a moving image. He aspires to become the best in the business producing work until he is unable to do so.

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