Wednesday, 18 March 2015

where I started and where I am now.

Firstly I started with the idea of 7 deadly sins but quickly changed to focus on objectification of women.
I feel that I have had a pretty straight and narrow approach to this project and there hasn't really been any deviation or bumps along the way. My original plan was to crate a body of work to cause and argument and all along the way this has been achieved, whether it be in group crits or feedback.
My original style and way of exhibiting has also not changed over the process of this project, the only real glitches I have had was the light boxes themselves and how to either make them or where to get them from, also I haven't completely adhered to my schedule plan.
I have also decided not to include any text or supporting material at the exhibition as I feel it is not needed and detracts from the idea that people make there own arguments and decisions.

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